Created in 2003 following requests from harp teachers, the Hermine is an excellent student lever harp. Its small size and light weight make it particularly suitable for younger players. Equipped with Alliance fluorocarbon strings, it combines the roundness and power of gut strings with the robustness and stability of synthetic strings. Light, easy to handle and of impeccable quality, the Hermine is also very accessible, thanks to its very attractive price.
Height: 122cm (low feet), 137cm (extended legs)
Weight: 11.5kg
Range: 34 strings, 1A to 6C · A1 – C34
Stringing: Alliance fluorocarbon (A1 – D26), Galli lever wires
Woods: maple and beech (body), spruce (soundboard)
Finishes: black, cherry, maple, maple (with extended legs), mahogany, walnut and walnut (with extended legs).
Harp box dimensions (for shipping): 142cm x 52cm x 94cm
Comes with a padded travel bag.